Learn more about Bleed ID

Bleed ID will forever change the way you care for patients who deliver via C-Section

What is Bleed ID?

Bleed ID is a real-time blood loss monitoring system, allowing healthcare providers to detect and respond to obstetric hemorrhage the moment it begins. The revolutionary design of this two-part innovation provides the ability to see vaginal bleeding when it occurs and quantify the blood volume lost during and after cesarean section procedures. 

How does Bleed ID work?

Bleed ID is a two-part system that consists of:

  • A reimagined C-section surgical drape with a transparent window over the patient’s perineal area. The window provides clinicians with a simple and reliable way to visually assess vaginal bleeding if it occurs during a c-section procedure. 

  • An innovative disposable bed pad attached to a vacuum collection device designed to accurately and effectively collect vaginal blood during or after surgery.

  • In the simplest of terms, the Bleed ID surgical drape allows you to see the bleeding; the redesigned bed pad and its collection device tells you how much blood loss has occurred.
    Bleed ID equips the operating room staff to visually identify and quantify blood loss immediately as it occurs, giving clinicians the ability to respond before the patient suffers the consequences of excessive blood loss. 

  • Bleed ID equips the operating room staff to visually identify and quantify blood loss immediately as it occurs, giving clinicians the ability to respond before the patient suffers the consequences of excessive blood loss. 

What are the benefits of Bleed ID?

The benefits of an early and rapid response to postpartum hemorrhage cannot be understated. 
The ability for clinicians to better visualize and quantify blood loss has the potential to:

  • Reduce mortality associated with postpartum hemorrhage.

  • Lower the incidence of complications due to excessive blood loss.

  • Reduce hospital costs associated with postpartum hemorrhage, such as ICU admissions and increased length of stay.

  • Prevent prolonged mother/baby separation that inevitably occurs when surgical complications arise.

  • Give healthcare providers peace of mind knowing they can effectively monitor blood loss.

How much does Bleed ID cost?

You may purchase the products as a set, or purchase the Bleed ID surgical drape or the Bleed ID Suction Pad separately. 

Surgical drape
Suction Pad

How do I purchase Bleed ID?

Contact us and our sales team will be in touch with you promptly. You can also send us an email at [insert email address], and we’ll get back to you within the next business day.